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November 06, 2012
Update to CO Voters
Bumped by Ace. A Republican official also had a similar problem -- being told he had already voted absentee when he hadn't (he hadn't even requested an absentee ballot).
Stand your ground. You are entitled to a provisional ballot. If you cast a provisional ballot, there'll be proceeding to determine what's gone wrong. Put them in the spotlight for their incompetence.
Lot of this going 'round.
Remember, the official inquiry only begins when you stand your ground, insist on a provisional ballot, and declare you have not already voted, so whatever vote was cast in your name was cast by a criminal, who needs to be locked up in jail, and who also needs some scrutiny into who's paying him to do this.
Commenter Alice passed along info about voters being turned back at her polling place because they aren't on the voter rolls. She wanted to remind you to request a provisional ballot, don't take no for an answer, and don't listen to them tell you it won't count.
You'll have to follow up with the registrar (or whoever is responsible for voter registration in your county) to demonstrate your eligibility, which is racist, but whatever.
Passing this along without checking the actual rules and shit in CO, because I'm at work and besides I'm the worst researcher on this moron blog.

posted by Dave In Texas at
03:00 PM
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