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November 02, 2012
In Which I Prostrate Myself Before You And Beg Part 2
This is it. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday is all that stands between us and a second Obama term.
I stopped by my local victory center last night to pick up literature. The place was packed with people making calls. At this point in 2008 the place was empty. People do not show up to volunteer if they think a candidate is going to lose. Our victory centers are packed.
It is not too late to help the Romney campaign. Actually, this is the best time to get out and volunteer. This is when the election will be won or lost. This is when the undecided or lazy voters are making their final decisions.
People like you and I would get naked and run ass backwards through a cornfield to vote for Mitt Romney. It's the sometimes voters that we need to turn out.
Don't like talking to other meat puppets? Then do a literature drop. Simply stop by your local victory center which you can find here.
You don't even have to call ahead of time. Just show up. They're normally open from 9am to 9pm. Ask them for some literature. Then walk around your neighborhood and stick them in between the flag and the mailbox. Don't put them in the mailbox as that is illegal. Anything helps. Just do your neighborhood if that's all you're willing to do.
If you don't have a problem interacting with people, then knock on their door when you do the lit drop. Introduce yourself. Tell them why you are voting for Mitt Romney and explain to them why they should vote for Mitt Romney. Remember, don't be insulting, condescending or a dick. Most people aren't like you and I. They don't hate Obama, but they're open to voting against them.
It helps to pretend you're Sherlock Holmes when walking up to their house. Use whatever information you can glean from looking at their house, car, etc to help you formulate an argument that might sway them. If they have a massive SUV in their drive, then talk about gas prices under Obama. If they have a large house, then talk about the rising costs of utilities. If they have toys in their front yard, then talk about the national debt our children will be left paying off. If their car has a my kid is an honor student bumper sticker, then talk about the rising cost of college education.
Don't read off a script. Treat each person you talk to differently. Try your best to tailor your argument to the concerns of the person you are speaking with.
You can also make calls at the victory centers. Just show up. Tell them you want to make calls and they'll set you up with a phone. If you don't want to leave your home, but you are willing to make calls then do it from home. Find out how here.
It is not enough to vote and donate in this election. You have to do something. It is close. Romney is either slightly up, tied, or slightly down in Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. If you live in one of those states you have no excuse to be sitting on your duff this weekend. Your time is the most valuable asset you can offer for the campaign.
If you are in any of those state and can volunteer to poll watch, then please click the link in the sidebar and volunteer to poll watch. This is especially true if you are in a large county. If you are not in a swing state, they may not call you back. All of their efforts are focused on the close races.
They need people to watch polls to help prevent fraud. If you live in Cleveland, Las Vegas, Denver, Boulder, etc, then you need to poll watch to help prevent fraud. Those living in Republican leaning counties need to poll watch and work strike list to help turnout the vote.
We're winning with independents, but there are far more registered Democrats than Republicans. We're at a natural disadvantage because we are fewer in number. We have to outwork them if we want to win.
Please, do something to help.
(art by Chris Muir)