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October 26, 2012
Adam Carolla Joins FoxNews
He'll be on O'Reilly on Mondays, and other spots on other shows as they need a guest.
He's a funny guy. For years I was missing Howard Stern, but I think I like Carolla better. Not just politically (though he is a libertarian-leaning conservative; he doesn't know he's a conservative -- he thinks what he's saying is just "obvious common sense" -- but he doesn't understand there's an entire political movement devoted to repudiating obvious common sense).
In addition to being funny, he's frequently just an interesting critic and contrarian, and conducts good interviews.
Here's a stunt he started (though his fans carried it further). He hates the injection of passionfruit into everything. He doesn't want passionfruit iced tea; he just wants iced tea. And he's sick of restaurants asking him, "Is passionfruit iced tea okay?"
Well no. It's not.
Realizing that the only way to get your way in America is to gin up a hysterical health crisis scare, he has created a crusade to end deaths due to allergic reactions to passionfruit (something that doesn't seem to exist, but who cares).
So let's finally put an end to Passionfruit Allergies and the thousands of deaths they are not suspected to cause.
Come on, it's kind of funny.

Anyway, his podcast is free on iTunes. It's primary value is for housework and cooking and exercising/walking. Stuff like that.
Oh, and driving, of course.
If you have to do such things, throw on the podcast, so you're at least listening to something funny.
Thanks to Stuiec.