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October 19, 2012
Friday Morning News Dump Evening Open Thread, and Exhortation to Join The Campaign!
Bumped by Ace. What @benk84 writes after the news dump is important.
Bleg: So the Romney campaign got in touch with me after I volunteered using the election day task force link in the sidebar. They sent me an online training course that took 10 minutes.
Essentially, they are asking for volunteers to work striker lists in heavily Republican areas. You can can volunteer to to work morning, afternoon/evening or all day. I will be working in the morning.
If you have a smart phone or IPad, they will be providing you with an election day app. It is essentially an electronic version of a striker list. You will sit in a polling place and mark voters off the list as they come in. That information will go directly to the Romney central command in your state. People will be working the phones and calling the Republican voters who have not showed up to the polls.
There are two other aspects to the app. One to report trouble, foul play, or voting problems. The other to give them anecdotal updates. For example, if a poll worker says this is the highest turnout they've seen in ten years, then you text that back to the Romney command center. All of this helps them focus their efforts where it is needed.
If you don't have a smart phone or IPad, they will give you paper strike lists and a phone number to call in your reports at designated times.
The Romney campaign really has their act together. This is the best I've ever seen from a Republican candidate. All they need now are volunteers. Have you volunteered? If you live in a dark blue state they might give you a job making phone calls.
This is it. You've been complaining about Obama for four years. You've been living with/through Obama's policies for four years. What are you going to do about it? Sit at home and comment on a right leaning website or go out and make a difference on election day?
Follow me on twitter.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:38 PM
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