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October 17, 2012
Donald Trump's Twitter Account Is Just Full of Wisdom
I don't think it's really Trump, by the way.
But it might be. Clarification: This is his account. I mean, I don't know if he's really Tweeting this stuff, or he has some goofball doing it for him. Like, dictating his tweets as he plays Carpet Golf and smokes a cigar.
Anyway, tweet of the night:
@realDonaldTrump Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!
His feed is about 75% politics (our side), 15% advertisements for his new cologne (Success, by Donald Trump) and All Star Celebrity Apprentice, and 10% Team Edward.
FYI, I agree with him, but then I suspect they're just pretending to be back together for the Twilight movies.
I can't believe I actually have an opinion on this. Turns out, I do.
I feel bad about that, but I have to confront reality as it presents itself to me. I have an opinion on the Edward/Bella contretemps.