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Wisconsin Tied, Obama 49, Romney 48 »
October 17, 2012
Plus, Triage: Obama Pulling Out of NC, FL
At Gallup, 51-45.
Romney might have overshot it with that 47% business.
Oh by the way: Uh, Romney's ahead with Registered voters, too. 48-46.
Meanwhile, CBS' snap poll also confirms that Romney won on the most important issues this cycle.
As already noted, Romney won on "The Economy" 65-34. Here are some other findings:
On the Deficit, Romney wins 70-29. Seventy.
On Taxes, Romeny wins 54-46.
Now, about triage:
Decisions need to be made at crunch time. Romney will no doubt make some heartbreaking decisions too; like, I don't think the Pennsylvania Push will come. (But the Michigan push might...)
But Obama is now retreating.
Via The Meatball:
Politico story on obama pulling from NC http://politi.co/R4uygx
I'm not even going to hyperlink that. Politico can go right into my sex binder.
Obama pac cancel in florida we heard about
Better Romney # in CO and VA
And now this from politicalwire: "Obama circling wagons in OH IA NV NH"
Er... I think he's triaging. Because if the last part concedes the
aforementioned states...