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October 16, 2012
Five O'Clock Funny: Bill Murray Always Watches Road House, and When The Scene of Patrick Swayze Having Sex With Kelly Lynch Comes On, He Always Calls Lynch's Husband To Remind Him
He claims "always" at least.
Even if it's just three or four times, it's pretty funny.
[KELLY LYNCH:] Every time Road House is on and he or one of his idiot brothers are watching TV — and they’re always watching TV — one of them calls my husband and says [In a reasonable approximation of Carl Spackler], “Kelly’s having sex with Patrick Swayze right now. They’re doing it. He’s throwing her against the rocks.” [Away from the receiver.] What? Oh, my God. Mitch was just walking out the door to the set, and he said that Bill once called him from Russia.
That's f'n' funny.
via @kenwheaton