« Holy Shit: Washington Post Runs Op-Ed Asking Why Mitt Romney Isn't Richer, and If He Isn't Richer, Doesn't That Disqualify Him From the Presidency? |
Overnight Open Thread »
October 06, 2012
Oh wait. That's PPP.
While trolls and lefties delighted in the MuLaw poll released the day of the debate showing Obama up 11 points...
Apparently that gap shrank drastically in the 48 hours since (and to compare apples to apples, Romney trailed Obama by 7 in the last PPP poll two weeks ago, so still a clear, obvious drop).
All of Obama's gains in the purple states through September have been wiped out by a 90 minute ass-stomping.
To the moron horde, I ask that you use lotion when that thought fully sinks in.
I ask you get a Costco-size when you think further: Ryan debates Biden in 5 days.
Updates: Poll finds Romney in positive territory on approval rating for the first time ever- 49/48, an 8 point bounce. Poll finds voter sample of 34D-33R-33I, very believable. Poll finds indies breaking to Obama. Poll finds non-whites splitting 24-4-72 Romney/Und/Obama.