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October 05, 2012
Rasmussen: Obama 50, Romney 49 in Ohio;
Among Those Certain to Vote, It's Romney, 51-48
Eh, more than those "certain to vote" will be voting, but it's something.
The important thing here -- maybe -- is that this the first poll taken in Ohio after the debate.
Fingers crossed.
The GOP has reduced a 14 point gap in absentee ballot requests down to 5 points in the Buckeye State.
In VA, it's also closed to one point, per Rasmussen. Correction: Romney's actually ahead by one in VA, 49-48.
As a cob said yesterday: Those who are predicting a 2008 level of Democratic enthusiasm and participation are probably in for a big disappointment.
Thanks to @johnekdahl and @conartcritic