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September 21, 2012
Open Thread
But here's a firebreathing essay.
You see [the media] are desperate. The reality of Barack Obama has brought them to their knees. If he loses in November, the mainstream media will be shown for what they are -- shills for what they wanted and pretended to be true, and not tellers of truth.
What is left for them when there is no more Barack?
Will anyone take seriously the relentless attacks on President Romney they will be sure to prosecute? No one but the most committed progressive will ever believe a word they say again, especially after they not only gave Barack Obama a free ride for all of his years in office, but unconvincingly attempted to redefine his every failure as success.
There was a time when the mainstream media dictated the conversation while hiding behind the veneer of impartiality, and Americans deferred to their wisdom. And despite having always been partial, at least in the past they made some pretense of neutrality.
A defeat for Barack is a defeat for them. No longer will they be the exalted press -- the arbiter of truth and justice. After the debacle that is Barack Obama, they will be seen for what they are: publicity agents for progressivism.
And this is a good piece about the newest no-account Kennedy running for office based on no qualifications other than partying and laying about.