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September 10, 2012
Chicago Teachers Go On Strike...For The Children. Compare Union Demands Withh How They Sell Strike To Parents.
And by "for the children" the union means more jobs for their members, lifetime employment, more time off, weaker evaluation standards and oh yeah, a TWENTY-TWO percent raise (pdf)
• Duration: The Board is proposing a 4 year contract. The Union is proposing a 2 year contract.
• Pay: The Board is proposing raises of 2%, 2%, and 2% with a 2% increase in the 4th year dependent on the adoption of merit pay. The Board is proposing to freeze steps for the duration of the contract. The Union’s last proposal was made during fact finding for 19% and 3%.
• Evaluation: The Board is proposing to implement a plan in which student test scores and surveys will eventually be 50% of a teacher’s evaluation (by year 5). The Union is proposing a lower cap on “Student Growth Measures,” revisions to the “cut scores” that determine ratings (i.e., how many points are required for a proficient rating) as well as an appeal process.
• Working Conditions/Structure of Day: The Board is proposing to do away with 18 separate articles in the contract that relate to details of our work day such as our class load, our breaks, and the nature of our work assignments. These include Article 4 (Elementary School), 5 (Middle School), 6 (High School), 7 (Elementary School Counselors), 9 (PSRPs), etc. The Union is proposing language that would guarantee that the Board follow their promises on prep time, staffing, and breaks.
• Class Size: The Board is proposing that it continue following its current policy. The Union is seeking to lower class sizes and make class size subject to effective enforcement.
• Job Security: The Board has not yet agreed to place language for a ‘hiring pool’ in our contract. We are also seeking protection of PSRPs’ work.
Compare the union's list of demands to how they are selling their position to parents (pdf)
Chicago’s teachers and other school professionals voted to strike on September 10 to demand a fair contract from the Chicago Board of Education. We also demand that the Chicago Board of Education make every school day better, not just longer. They must increase art , music, physical education classes in all schools.
There’s a great deal of work to do to create the schools our students deserve.
Tell Chicago’s mayor and the Chicago Board of Education to make our students a priority. They must invest in high quality school facilities, staff, and resources for all students.
Join us in our fight to win a fair contract and to move our schools forward.
I don't mind teachers, like anyone else, trying to get the best deal possible. What I do mind is that teacher's seem to think they are immune to the normal forces of employment like ways to measure competency and the ability to get rid of workers who don't measure up.
What really bothers me about many, many teachers is their martyr complex. Don't pretend what you do is akin to a holy calling and then play hardball for your contract.
As I said, I don't mind people trying to get the best deal they can. I do mind having them insist I kiss their ass in the process.
Added: Look at how unappreciated the poor Chicago teachers are.
FIRST YEAR teacher in Chicago Pub Schls w only a BA starts @ $52.6k (38.6 wks/yr) or $57k (42.6 wks/yr), incl. pension
posted by DrewM. at
09:39 AM
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