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June 27, 2012
Top Headline Comments 6-27-12
Happy Wednesday.
If you haven't seen it already, scroll down to CAC's poll post below.
In other polling news, 59% of voters haven't heard of Solyndra. 53% haven't heard of Bain Capital. Yes, voters are pretty low-info. But this suggests to me that there are still some (probably squishy middle people) capable of being pushed to one side or the other on these issues.
BuzzFeed has a rather pathetic hit job on AZ Senate GOP candidate Jeff Flake. Tommy over at The Right Sphere takes that apart rather handily.
Remember how the Democrats took an oh-so-principled stand to reject corporate donations to fund their convention? And now they're coming up short of funding? Principles-be-damned, they want to party: "Democrats registered another host committee for Charlotte 2012, New American City Inc., which will accept direct corporate donations."
Kevin D. Williamson over at NR has a nice take-down of Obama on the outsourcing attack. With respect to those attacks, the easiest way to shut 'em down is to point out that even the Washington Post FactChecker gave the outsourcing accusation Four Pinocchios. We should shut it down, and fast. While the attack isn't true, it's possible that it will still hurt Romney if left unanswered.
Rep. Jim Matheson is the first Democrat to say that AG Holder should be held in contempt. Probably not the last. That sound you hear is the exploding heads of Democrats and members of the MBM who claimed that the Fast and Furious probe is merely a partisan witchhunt.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:25 AM
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