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June 22, 2012
Toward A Less Humane Policy In Syria
While the likes of John McCain call for military action in Syria to foster democracy or something, Robert Caruso has a different rationale for a more limited involvement...kill our enemies.
Instead of committing American manpower and materiel to be captured and killed ‘helping’ the Syrian populace, policymakers should strongly consider taking concrete steps to actively confront the oft-dismissed but very real Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, Qods assholes elements and MOIS.
How do I propose we do this? Simple: we prolong the civil war. We draw in the Iranians. And then we kill them, one by one. By VBIED, and whatever else we choose to utilize. Properly motivated, I’m sure DARPA IARPA junior enlisted in the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity can dream up an even better IRAM
Caruso also reminds us that Syria and the Iranians were instrumental in running fighters and arms into Iraq that led to the death of thousands of Americans.
In other words the Syrian civil war isn't an opportunity for America to exercise "leadership", it's...payback time.
It's a controversial notion because as Americans we like to see ourselves as the noble do-gooders making the world safe for democracy and not just ruthless power players who put our interest over our more nobler values.
I think democracy, freedom and improving the lives of others should be a pleasant byproduct of American policy but the main goal should always be our interests. We've tried plenty of "do good" missions like Bosnia, Libya and even Afghanistan. How much good will has that bought us in the Muslim world?
The world is a nasty and brutish place and sometimes social work by military force isn't going to get what we need done. If we can't kill them with kindness, perhaps it's time to try just killing them.

posted by DrewM. at
11:00 AM
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