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June 20, 2012
BREAKING: House Hearing On Holder Contempt Citation-Obama Asserts Executive Privilege On Documents Sought UPDATE: Contempt Vote Still On. Update 2: Hearing Underway
The hearing is just getting underway but the fireworks before hand is that Holder asked Obama to assert Executive Privilege over the documents the Oversight Committee wants and he has.
Seems we have ourselves a good old fashioned constitutional showdown.
So, the coverup of Fast And Furious now officially goes all the way to Obama.
Good news/Bad news on this development. The MBM now has to cover the story. Bad news: They will go into full "Protect Obama" mode.
The usual suspects are already pushing the "But Bush started it" line. Short version...no it didn't.
There's been more talk of Fast And Furious on CNN and MSNBC in the last 5 minutes than in the last year and half. All 9 of their viewers must be confused as to what this is all about and why it's so important.
Kind of sucks when the cocoon breaks, huh?
The hearing is late getting started, presumably Issa and team are trying to figure out what the assertion of Executive Privilege means to the process but it sounds like the contempt vote is still on.
Here's the letter from Holder to Obama on documents.
With today's development, does anyone (other than liberal apologists) have any doubt that Obama and/ or top level people were deeply involved in Fast and Furious?

posted by DrewM. at
10:01 AM
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