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June 19, 2012
Red Flags: Economy May Be About To Shed Jobs Once Again
Not "gain" them at a pace too slow to even match population growth, but actually lose them. A bona fide contraction.
Pethokoukis' piece is short enough to just say "read the whole thing."
And all of this is before Europe craters, too.
This is horrible. The only thing that makes it seem less horrible is that I was pretty confident this was going to happen. Since before the end of the past year, when it was pretty clear the economy was not going to recover, I began switching my thinking to the likely possibility of a second dip. By February, I was pretty sure.
All of those Monty "DOOM" posts. And no signal of a true recovery.
So this is already baked into my mental cake. I'm sure that's true of most of you.
I do not understand why economists kept insisting this was a "recovery" when it looked almost nothing like a recovery. Yet they kept making predictions based on the notion that we were recovering.
Thanks to JackStraw.