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June 15, 2012
New Tone: Martin Bashir Splices Bus Explosions Into Footage of Romney's Campaign Bus
Obama: B-List Celebrities are the Ultimate Arbiter's of the Country's Political Choices
Update: False Alarm on Celebrity Gaffe?
Gotta get attention when you're in the ratings basement, and also physically ugly, much resembling a shot-out toad with portion control issues.
Oh, No: Obama's latest gaffe is going to be a painful one.
At the Sarah Jessica Parker/Anna Wintour fundraiser:
The intimate dinner banked about $2 million, with 50 people paying $40,000 each. …
Speaking in a dimly lighted, art-filled room, Obama told supporters they would play a critical role in an election that would determine a vision for the nation’s future.
“You’re the tie-breaker,” he said. “You’re the ultimate arbiter of which direction this country goes.”
That's going to be a problem.
Some truths cannot be uttered. Like this one. Yes, soft-headed people are unduly swayed by Pretty People and rock stars.
It's true.
But no one wants to be confronted with his own celebrity worship.
No one wants to admit he actually takes political counsel from Matthew Brodderick or Bon Jovi.
Yes, the people who allow themselves to be so swayed are kind of dumb.
But you know what you shouldn't say to such people? That they're kind of dumb.
Which Obama just did.
So, people are bitter clingers who cling to their guns and their religion and are racist.
In addition, they are sheep who can be controlled in the voting booth by the mindthoughts of B-list celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker. (B-list? I think she's fallen; she was B-list. I think she's C+ now. She won't be starring in any further movies, except maybe a low-budget independent affair with "comeback potential;" this much I know.)
Congratulations, President Obama. You just immunized sheep-like people against the very sheep-like behavior you were counting on.
You really shouldn't inform the people you're manipulating that you're manipulating them.
False Alarm? A reader tells me the "you're the arbiter/you make the choice" line is part of Obama's stump speech -- and not anything new spoken only to his Celebrity Buddies.