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June 15, 2012
Revealed: Kim Kardashian Is the United States' Sexual Super Agent Controlling The World's Minds
From Pravda, caught by Walter Russell Meade:
Don’t be surprised with Americas manipulative prowess, it’s in virtually all countries across the world. They support ruling governments and then create and sponsor one or more oppositions so they keep the balance of power within their control…
Sex is a big success tool in regards to America’s success so far in terms of dominating the world. For the last five decades, the American government has successfully created a world where sex is in control of virtually everything you can talk about. Using the media, they have successfully developed, grown and forced the act of sex worship in virtually every country across the world.
By creating sex symbols, who are sponsored and obedient to the American government, the world population has been controlled for decades and is still been controlled. Kim Khadashian [sic] is an example of a sex symbol, she became a big success so-called star after her sex tape was supposedly leaked to the world. It was all pre-planned, there were no leaks. She was been moulded into a sex symbol to serve the imperialistic aims of the US. I use the term ‘so-called’ because I never knew about her until a couple months back.
Meade comments:
Conspiracy theories give true believers the illusion of power by offering a “secret” and, to believers, a convincing account of how the world works; but they simultaneously disempower the believers because they buy into a narrative in which the Powers are so smart, so well-organized and so far-sighted that nothing short of an apocalyptic meltdown will ever bring them down. Belief in conspiracy theories is less a sign of organizing for social change than it is a psychological mechanism that helps people come to grips with their lack of control over the forces shaping their lives.
Stace McCain is thinking about conspiracy theories of late too. Chiefly about the wild theories spun off by the sad little Kimberlin crony Neal Rauhauser.
In a message posted in the comments of a blog in October 2011, Rauhauser explained that he and someone he describes as “a very big dog from the Anonymous [the hacker collective] pen” conspired to use Brett Kimberlin’s non-profit Velvet Revolution as a vehicle to exact vengeance on (a) his personal enemies, (b) the security firm HB Gary and (c) “Breitbart associates.”
By now the astute reader understands – and I don’t really have to point this out do I? — that Kimberlin and Rauhauser’s belief in an imaginary conspiracy of their enemies led them into creating an actual conspiracy of their own.
Matthew Vadum asks a simple question: Are tax-exempt charities permitted to engage in illegal activities, such as organized harassment, frauds on the court to silence critics, and attempts to enlist the hacker collective Anonymous in a private vengeance effort against enemies?
It turns out, the answer is no, and there's even an IRS complaint form to complain if a tax-exempt charity is using funding to pursue illegal aims.
Meanwhile, the charges against Aaron Walker have been dropped, but he remains under the gag-order of "outlaw judge" Vaughey, and while Maryland processes Kimberlin's abusive and perjurious "peace orders" lickety-split, they're in no hurry to provide relief to Walker.
I suppose his asking to have his First Amendment rights restored is "too much justice," as a Maryland prosecutor chided him when he sought perjury charges against Kimberlin for attempting to frame him for a 10 year assault felony.