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June 14, 2012
So, I'll Admit, I Watched Half of Dallas Last Night
Call it Reagan Nostalgia -- that sounds better than "I watched Dallas last night."
Overall-- well, you know, it's a soap opera. It was fun to watch JR's eyes open and glitter as the thought of competition and backstabbing awoke him from a decade-long depression.
Other than that... I grew bored in the second show, as they kept arguing about the same basic stuff. The contract, the deal, the Hispanic woman and her father who is not her father.
One thing I pegged immediately -- immediately -- is that Bobby's son's wife is a goldigging conwoman -- her mention that everyone has a tell is her own tell -- and her "brother" is likely actually her husband. What game they're running I don't know; the simple game, in real life, would be to just get married and take the kid's money. But this is a soap opera, so it must be much, much more convoluted than that. At some point, we'll find out the guy blames Bobby for his dad's death, or something. Or that the girl is Bobby's unacknowledged love-baby from an affair.
You know, Dark Family Secret Stuff. It can't just be about money. That's fine for real life, but in melodarama you need, uh, "resonance" or whatever.
When you're running a show that needs to get to 10 episodes without a great deal changing in the basic set-up, you need a lot of convolution and revealed secrets.
I have to admit, I enjoyed hearing the theme.