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June 13, 2012
NBC Breaks Two Year Embargo on Fast & Furious; Offers Viewers a Detailed Account of Lethal Covert Operation That No One Authorized
And by detailed account, I of course mean ten seconds, and by ten seconds, I do not mean that exaggeration where people say "And they only spent like ten seconds on it!," I mean their first-ever explanation of Fast & Furious lasted ten seconds, by the watch.
The full report, noting the chastisement of Holder, was all of thirty seconds; but for those wondering what this was even about, they were told that Fast and Furious was a "failed operation that sent US guns into Mexico." Which part failed? People getting their news from NBC could just think that the guns failed to arrive in Mexico, which might strike them as a good thing.
And it would have been a good thing, since the guns that arrived killed 300 Mexicans, including attorneys general, and two US border guards.
Thanks to @popinjayrose.
NBCNews World Report
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