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June 13, 2012
Obama Claims Documents Don't Prove Anything; Documents Prove Obama Joined the Socialist New Party
They say they didn't even really have "members," per se.
And yet they have a membership list, including one Barack H. Obama, and membership dues, which they say Barack H. Obama was late in paying.
Two members of the Chicago New Party say they don't remember Obama, but they also remember him not joining.
[W]hat exactly is the argument being offered here? Two members of the Party, Dan Swinney and Amy Sherman, were at the meeting Obama attended in 1996 according to the minutes. Both claim they don't recall him at all. Nevertheless they are both certain that even if Obama was there, he didn't join. It's a very selective memory lapse.
Obama's dues are listed as late in 1997. Apparently he paid his dues for 1996, and then was noted as late four months into 1997.
Maybe he tried socialism, but didn't inhale.
But he did join the New Party.