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June 13, 2012
Informal Predictor Of Presidential Elections
From one year ago.
...one key economic data component has been quite good at predicting presidential elections, and that is consumer confidence. If the consumer confidence index is at 100 or higher, then the incumbent party is likely to win. If not, then the opposition party wins."
100? Yeah. That'll happen.
Here it is in chart form. Ugly. Hope is a byproduct of lots of opportunities to choose from (jobs), and jobs are a byproduct of a thriving capitalism. Capitalism cannot thrive when capitalists are being discouraged from investing. Capitalism also cannot thrive when capital is excessively diverted into nonproductive government activities (graft and looting).
Barack Obama believes he can go on indefinitely draining the vitality from the private sector and still somehow end up with enough to feed the public sector. This has never worked, anywhere it has been tried. This president has failed to suggest- suggest, never mind implement!- policies that demonstrate he even has a grasp on how the economy works. Thus this president has failed to create hope.
Let's get a new one.

posted by Laura. at
09:36 AM
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