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June 09, 2012
Comments Are Disabled Until Further Notice
I apologize to most commenters.
Jimmah, however, has decided to set blog policy for me, and several others have decided to challenge me on the point as well.
I will have to end commenting until I can figure out how to ban them.
This is precisely how I wanted to spend my Friday night.
I know that everyone else -- everyone else -- was of course pleasant and wonderful as usual.
But there are some who just enjoy sabotage and fragging.
I don't know how to fix it at the moment, so I'm going to possibly simply destroy the blog by letting it go dark.
But I don't know what else to do.
You expect to be knifed in the front by your enemies. It's too much to be knifed in the back as well.
Again, I realize most people understand without being told.
My mistake here is thinking some people will understand if told -- no, the sort of person that doesn't know until told also won't know after he's told.
Thanks for everyone who understands without being told.
For the rest, registration is coming, possibly Monday. I do not have the time or patience regarding continuing arguments about Standard Blog Policy -- standard blog policy on any blog, at any time, let alone now, when I'm under siege -- and I simply will not be entertaining any more arguments about it.
You can be stubborn about a lot of things, but when you get stubborn over another man's right to make his livelhood as he believes right, and to protect himself and his family as best he knows how, you've gotten stubborn about the wrong thing, and the last thing.
And also, you're a bad person with a deep psychological problem, and no, merely being "conservative" does not make up for your selfishness and arrogance. You might want to consider character-building exercises over reading about politics. Before one's a good conservative, one ought to strive to first be a good human being.
Without the latter, the former isn't worth shit.

posted by Ace at
02:46 AM