Afternoon Open Thread »
June 05, 2012
DOOM!: Endgame

In case you're unclear on what's at stake both today in Wisconsin and again in November, Jimmy P. provides a chart from CBO that sums it up nicely:

That red arrow is where the CBO's forecasting model breaks because it can't handle a 250% debt to GDP ratio.
The blue social model has failed both here and abroad, and we are now in a race to kill it before it kills us.
Students of democracy from Alexis de Tocqueville to Mancur Olson have pointed out that the greatest threat to self-government comes from the tendency of democracies to become barnacled with special interests that vote themselves more benefits than society can afford. This is the crisis of the modern entitlement state, which is unfolding from California to Illinois, Greece, Italy and even Washington. Wisconsin is a critical test of whether democracies can reform before the crisis becomes debilitating.
The ball's in your court, Cheeseheads.
Update: Bonus content from the RNC detailing King Putt's miserable economic record.
Update 2: Monty emailed this to me the other day with a subject line of, "If I were still writing my DOOM posts, this would be a headliner...." Nice knowing you, Spain.