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June 04, 2012
Liz Warren Takes 96% at Weekend Caucus
This means she will be the nominee, up until the point cratering poll numbers suggest she can't win and she withdraws and the Democrats find a friendly judge who will let them switch to one of the Kennedy Half-Wits.
My prognostication failed me. I didn't think she'd take the nomination now; I thought her rival would at least be permitted to contest the nomination, with a vote and all.
But apparently Devall Patrick "passed out the Kool-Aid." As the linked article speculates, Democrats think that unopposed nominations lead to victory, while opposed ones result in losses, so the establishment twisted arms to give Elizabeth Warren an uncontested nomination.
There just seems to be so much cocooning in the Democratic Party.
Elizabeth Warren is going to lose. I know no Democrats believe that, because they think this story is going to go away, and that no one cares.
If no one cares, why is it in the media every day? If it's going to go away, why hasn't it yet?
This story is dangerous because it makes Elizabeth Warren into a punchline.
It's hard to elect a punchline to the Senate. Ask Christine O'Donnell.
Yes, Elizabeth Warren is just as damaged as Christine O'Donnell.