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June 01, 2012
Elizabeth Warren: My Grandfather So Objected To My Mothers's Cherokee Heritage (1/16th, According to "Lore" and Nothing Else) That My Parents Eloped... To A Wedding Conducted by a Pastor 14 Miles From Their Residences
Correction: Via Hot Air, I see I misread Breitbart's report -- they don't know yet if it was a church wedding. It was conducted by a pastor, not a justice of the peace or some Vegas Elvis. Right now they're checking on the church-wedding thing.
They "eloped"?
Is this more lore?
The definition of elope, according to Merriam Webster, www.m-w.com, is:
": to run away secretly with the intention of getting married usually without parental consent"
Breitbart has documents which it thinks is the certificate of marriage and marriage license.
They "ran away" to a church in the county seat 14 miles from their homes?
That doesn't sound, circumstantially, like an elopement.
That just sounds like a marriage.
Maybe Breitbart should see if they can get some more marriage certificates from this period, and from this area. If a lot of people in Elizabeth Warren's mother's town were getting married at this same church, it sort of suggests they just got married, and didn't "elope."