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June 01, 2012
Mitt Romney's Business Record Is "Sterling" Says Noted Rightwing Hack....Bill Clinton
At least Cory Booker will have company under the bus.
“I don’t think we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work; this is good work,” Clinton said, adding: “There’s no question that, in terms of getting up, going to the office, and basically performing the essential functions of the office, a man who’s been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold.”
Clinton urged the Obama campaign to instead focus on contrasting its vision for the country with Romney’s. His comments came at the tail end of a day in which another Obama surrogate, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D), called Bain a “a perfectly fine company.”
Just between us, don't tell anyone because it's premature but another month or two of economic news like we got today and Democrats hitting Obama for his Romney attacks and Mitt might win this thing...BIG. But you didn't hear that from me.

"This Obama Guy Over Here, He's An Amateur"

posted by DrewM. at
10:58 AM
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