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April 30, 2012
Obama No Longer Rockin' The Vote with the Young?

Unemployed young people can't move out of their parents' houses with Hope and Change credit cards.
In 2008, Obama had a 34-point advantage over Republican Sen. John McCain among voters younger than 30. He won about two-thirds of the vote in that age group.
But a new Harvard poll suggests the president could face a more difficult sales job with younger voters this time around. Obama led Romney by 12 points among those ages 18-24, according to the survey. Among those in the 25-29 age group, Obama held a 23-point advantage.
The picture above is of a Colorado University student who got a funny picture snapped with the president on one of his seventeen bazillion political trips.
She says Obama is a "wonderful dude." But when asked by optimistic Obama-boosters on CNN if she'll be voting for him, she says "Um" and claims she has some principle against saying who she'll be voting for on TV.
Which means, in all likelihood, she's not voting for him.
The anchorettes pretend they're happy to hear she won't reveal her voting preference, but I can't help think they're butthurt that the girl spoiled their Obama-loving party.
Humor from Conan: Not really an attack on Obama, exactly, but at least it's not fellating him.
That last one via @hstein3.