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April 26, 2012
Woman Loses 65 Pounds On "Sunlight Diet," Giving Up Food and Water, And Only Living On the "Food" of Sunlight
Oh, by the way, she's also dead as a rock.
Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reports that a woman starved to death after embarking on a spiritual diet that required her to stop eating or drinking and live off sunlight alone.
The Zurich newspaper reported Wednesday that the unnamed Swiss woman in her fifties decided to follow the radical fast in 2010 after viewing an Austrian documentary about an Indian guru who claims to have lived this way for 70 years.
Yeah. Indian gurus. I trust them implicitly.
What's that word for them again...? Oh yeah, fakir.
1 b : an itinerant Hindu ascetic or wonder-worker
: impostor; especially : swindler
See fakir defined for kids »
Examples of FAKIR:
a traveling carnival that was run by fakirs preying on small-town rubes
Sounds like the guy I want to take medical advice from.