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April 25, 2012
Jimmy Carter Relieved, Because He's no Longer in Contention for the Title of "Worst President Ever"
Thanks to a tip from Master Photoshopper & Co-Blogger Slu-Diddy, I see that the Obama administration is bound & determined to lose what little support they enjoyed out here in "Flyover Country". Are you effing kidding me?
I've got nothing. If I argue the merits of this situation, I'm afraid that I'll suffer brain damage from close exposure to teh stupid. Besides, arguing won't change any minds where it matters in the Obama Administration. Much like the Ukranian firemen who put out the flames at Chernobyl, sometimes doing what needs to be done leaves you rotting in a Soviet hospital bed with terminal radiation exposure. Well, not me. I'm just going to be sitting over here grinding my teeth and counting down the days until I can vote for Romney.
PS - has anyone mentioned the fact that Obama has eaten dog meat yet today? Just thought I might throw that in there in case anyone has the short-term memory of a goldfish.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
02:15 PM
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