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April 18, 2012
Politico: Obama Campaign Tries To Diversify
Oh, right, because they're almost as white as the Allman Brothers' financial planners.
An Obama campaign photograph of the Chicago headquarters last week had black Democrats buzzing about diversity — or lack of it. The picture, saturated with white faces, was reposted on the news site Buzzfeed and made the rounds of other well-trafficked sites, including The Drudge Report.
Yeah. That picture was whiter than a Mormon unicorn's teeth on Milk Appreciation Day.
A source told Politico:
“I hope the president’s team was listening when he said that if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin and that they make it a reality, not a priority, to have more senior staff [not just one or two people] around the president who look like Trayvon Martin. Right now, it is nonexistent, and you rarely see more than one African-American, male or female, anywhere around or advising the president unless he is at an African-American gathering of some kind.”
You're not going to believe this -- the Obama people have, get this, excuses for their failures.
An operative says:
In the breakneck pace of a campaign launch, “the [senior staff] who are doing the hiring are moving in a fast-paced environment trying to make multiple decisions at the same time, and they tend to hire people who they know or who come to them from people who they know,” the operative said. “And if you don’t take time out and say, ‘Let me expand the pool’ and bring in new and different people just to look at them, then you end up having an environment that is not as diverse.”
So, Obama's Old Boys seem to only know other Old Boys?
I know that somehow, someway, this is my fault. I just can't figure out how.
But I'm sure the left will inform me.
The Dream of An All-White Society
The dream lives on -- At Obama HQ.
You're welcome.
Bonus: Just after that picture broke (with all the official White Liberal Media refusing to point out the obvious; that was left to blacks and conservatives), Team Obama trotted out this guy as a "Face of the Campaign."
Like, the one black guy they could find. I think they just pulled him out of a GAP and stuck a lanyard on him.
Via @weaselzippers