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April 18, 2012
CBSNews/NYT Poll: Tie at 46%
We can't possibly win this, if the best scenario thatt the right-leaning, cook-the-books gonzo Republican wingnut NYT/CBS pollster can only juice us into is a tie.
O! All is lost. All is lost.
Obama's so golden they should just inject him inside Cadbury Eggs.
Obama and Romney each have 46% support among registered voters in the CBS/New York Times survey, released this morning. Last month, the president had a 3-point lead over Romney, when he was still battling Rick Santorum.
The latest poll comes on the heels of a Pew Research Center survey, which showed Obama's lead narrowing to 4 percentage points, and one by Gallup that showed Romney slightly ahead.
You know what? America just can't wait to vote for Obama again. It's just like Clinton in 96, when the economy had been growing for four years and now the unemployment rate is dropping sharply, and America's all like, "Oh man, we're havin' such a good ride right now, there's no way we wanna end this party."
Sure, I Believe You When You Say That Nothing Unfortunate Will Transpire In My Mouth, This Time
I believe everything you say. I'm what you call a gen-U-ine idiot!
Oh! This Is Just Wonderful News!!! This will pad Obama's Margin of Victory even further!
U.S. factory decline suggests economy losing steam
See, our economy already had so much steam to begin with it's prudent and useful to let some out, so our overheating engine of runaway growth doesn't explode from running too damn hot.
Now things are just absolutely perfect. Obama wins by 14 points.
Plus, if the stars weren't already aligning enough in Obama's favor, now comes this wonderful, humanizing meme about him eating a f@#&ing dog.
How can we beat this? The guy takes the term "omnivore" seriously.
Romney's campaign manager noted this picture -- which Axelrod had tweeted as "How loving pet owners transport their dogs" -- as, "in hindsight," a "chilling photo."

Pictured: A loving dog owner checks his beloved pet's
neck muscles for tenderness and marbling.
Oh, by the way: This f'n' guy, who is Obama 2012's campaign secretary or something, had this awesome response to that:
What's the next attack @EricFerhn and the RNC will surface on a 6-10 year old?