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April 17, 2012
Oh Dear: Swedish Minister of Culture, Self-Proclaimed "Anti-Racist," Enjoys A Sweet Mouthful of Tasty, Tasty 1930s Racism
I actually have to put up a Content Warning for a news story -- it's just that bad. The description of the cake eaten here is bad enough; the video, featuring a black-faced African Savage out of a suppressed Bugs Bunny cartoon, could actually get you fired.
So maybe file this one away for later.
The shocking photos show how several established left-wing members of the Stockholm cultural elite celeberate together with Cultural Minister Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth when she slices and eats a cake depicting a black African woman with minstrel-esque face.
According to sources Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth was invited to declare festivities open by performing a clitoridectomy on the cake, which she did by removing the cake woman’s labiums.
So, if you want a description: The "body" of the savage is cake (black as the Ace of Spades, as they say; a Hitlerian color palette), but the head is a minstrel-painted actor who's sticking his head up through a hole in the table to make the "savage" appear living.
Then they do cliterectomies on the cake, and eat parts of its "body," while the head-part screams in agony.
But the Minister of Culture is anti-racist. Just ask her.
Publicly she advocates a strict hard-line approach against racism and when the nationalist newspaper Nationell Idag recently had enough subscribers to be granted tax funded press subsidy she immediately took action to change the country’s press subsidy laws.