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April 16, 2012
I don't normally call out a troll by name, but join me in telling one in particular:Suck it Greg.
Walker currently beats everybody, enjoying a 50% showing against all challengers:
Tom Barrett (D): 45 (49)
Scott Walker (R-inc): 50 (46)
Hari Trivedi (I): 2
Undecided: 3 (3)
Kathleen Falk (D): 43 (48)
Scott Walker (R-inc): 50 (47)
Hari Trivedi (I): 3
Undecided: 3 (5)
Doug La Follette (D): 40 (45)
Scott Walker (R-inc): 51 (46)
Hari Trivedi (I): 3
Undecided: 6 (9)
Kathleen Vinehout (D): 38 (44)
Scott Walker (R-inc): 50 (46)
Hari Trivedi (I): 5
Undecided: 7 (10)
Tom Jensen, director of PPP, also notes that Walker's ads have been devastatingly effective in both defending himself and tearing his potential opponents apart:
The biggest change is probably that this was our first time using a likely voter screen, We found with almost all of the recall elections last summer that the electorate just wasn't as Democratic as 2008, even if people were at least more excited about the recalls than they were about the 2010 elections. Gov. Scott Walker gains a few points as a result of that.
The other thing is that independents have flipped from our last poll, from supporting Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett by 12 to going for Walker by three. We've seen independents go back and forth on Walker several times over the last year, though I'm not certain what causes that. Walker's been very aggressive about getting on the air and that may have helped firm up his standing, especially as Democrats fight amongst each other over their nominee.... Screening this poll for likely voters (as opposed to just registered voters) has had one other notable effect: Walker's job approval has ticked up, from 47-52 to 51-48. But it's had an even bigger effect on Barrett's favorables, which went from 41-33 to 41-45, a fall of 12 points. Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk saw a much smaller net drop of 5, going from 31-42 to 36-52. Barrett's been the target of some tough attacks both from certain unions (which are backing Kane) as well as Walker, who has aired ads going after both leading Democrats, but apparently has made Barrett his focus.
Oh, and if you think the good news stops there, a big bounce for Romney in Wisconsin as well: Romney now trails Obama 50-44, down from a massive 53-39 lead for the President.
So...keep up the fight in the Badger state.
UPDATE Gallup has finally started it's daily tracking of the Presidential Race. Amongst registered voters Romney's bounce over the President has now been confirmed, he leads Obama 47-45. Better, he carries 90% of the Republican vote right out of the gate, leads Obama amongst independents, and amongst those certain to vote, Romney also edges the President. Romney is now ahead in the Presidential race, as I suspected he would be the moment the nightmare primary would finally, finally end. Romney now averages a 2 point lead. It is our job to make that grow.
Update #2 Sidebar Daily adjusted. I should have waited for the Gallup release before adjusting my numbers, but fixed now. I also added the Rasmussen and Gallup Daily Tracker margins (listed as RasTrack and GalTrack) to the bottom of the bar. If another company starts a daily tracker, I'll average them out and list just one.