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April 16, 2012
Matthew Yglesias, June 2009: The Deficit Is About To Fall So Much They'll Be Calling Obama "The Deficit Slayer"
I believe this thinking was predicated on there being an actual economic recovery -- a recovery does wonders for a government's balance sheets.
It never occurred to Yglesias -- or, for that matter, anyone in the White House -- that this recession was actually severe and needed some serious thinking about how to mitigate it.
Despite the fact that, of course, Obama ran on a campaign claiming that the recession was the Worst Thing Eveh.
He said it. He just, apparently, did not believe what he was saying.
Perhaps he should have listened to himself.
They also never considered that the massive new burdens with which they were shackling working people and job creators were actually sabotaging the recovery that they thought, incorrectly, was inevitable and even un-delayable.
They were wrong.
Please re-elect them.
They've gotten so much right so far, I just can't wait to see what miracles they might have in store.