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Guest Review: No Matter What, They'l Call This Book Racist, by Harry Stein »
April 16, 2012
Cheney: Obama Is a SCOAMF
He uses the term "unmitigated disaster" but we know what he meant to say.
"I can't think of a time when I felt it was more important for us to defeat an incumbent president today with respect to Barack Obama. I think he has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.
Half-baked thought: Leading public opinion consists of leading the public by a matter of months. People who said Obama was a disaster on the first day of his presidency (or before) were right, and yet by and large ignored by the 65% who, early on, supported Obama. They just couldn't follow our thinking.
We were right. But they were right too, in the sense of "right" meaning "stupid."
At any rate, they thought they were right and we were crazy.
High-ranking Republican officials and dignitaries mostly haven't spoken like Cheney does here, a summary, a judgment. They have attacked this or that, or underscored his poor performance on gas prices or energy policy or so forth, but they haven't, largely rendered a "failure" judgment on the whole shebang.
Maybe that's to the good. Maybe if we were doing that for a year or two, the public would be immunized against it and say "Ho hum, same thing as usual, just like Obama's bleatings."
It would now be about the time to pour it on. Or at least very close to that point.