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April 15, 2012
Sunday Morning Book Thread: Anniversary Edition 04-15-2012 [OregonMuse]
Good morning, morons.
Incidentally, those of you in the east are going to have to get used to the book thread appearing later than it has when Monty was doing it. I'm 3 hours behind you guys.
I see lots of commemorations for the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. All well and good.
But there's another anniversary in April, too, that all morons should remember:
It was on April 3, 2006, that ace attempted to link to the United 93 movie trailer, got confused, and instead posted, ahem, certain items of a suggestive nature that somehow had found their way onto his hard drive.
So for a couple of hours until the mistake was discovered and corrected, the AoSHQ front page looked like a Cinemax screen test.
It was a day that will live in infamy. Or hilarity.
Here is the original thread
Here's some fun facts about that thread:
1. The date was April 3rd, 2006. Holy crap, that was six years ago. I've been putzing around on this blog for that long?? I guess so.
2. The thread only has 91 comments, and little or no spam. No lace wigs, no ugg boots or reaming machines. If a thread like that went up today, the number of comments would probably go into the thousands. We'd be laughing about it for weeks. This is a testimony to the increase in audience that ace's unique brand of conservative rowdiness has managed to pick up over the years.
3. This is a great blog, even when it makes mistakes. And I am happy to be part of it.
Books? Oh yes, books. I don't have much this morning. I'm reading the first dragon tattoo book, and I guess it's ok. But there's just something about Scandi books or movies that just doesn't set right with me, and I've never been able to understand what it is, exactly. I don't know if it's because they're mostly depressing, or godless, or maybe something else, it's hard to say. If I were smarter, I'd be able to figure it out.
So what has everyone else been reading this week? Something good, I hope.
Book thread tips may be sent to aoshqbookthread@gmail.com

posted by Open Blogger at
11:26 AM
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