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April 12, 2012
Is The Hilary Rosen Thing Actually Good For Us?
I sort of don't like these distractions, even when they're relatively good distractions.
Obama has presided over an economy which is not growing enough to keep pace with population expansion. This is not a recovery; it's feeble growth along the bottom. An actual recovery rockets back up the previous level of economic activity in a short period of time.
That's why they call it a "recovery." Because you recover your losses.
Everything Obama has said about the economy has either been dishonest, or stated in honesty but completely wrong because he's inept, ignorant, and subscribes to a socialist worldview which has been discredited and ultimately discarded everywhere it's been tried.
Four for years we have had unemployment well over 8% -- and it is currently 10.1%, when you factor in all the people chased out of the workforce by the high unemployment rate itself.
The real unemployment rate is something like 17%.
The stimulus was money buried in a pit, then burned with gasoline, then covered in quicklime.
Any time we're talking about anything else, I think we're losing. If we're talking about whether this is a "War on Women" or not, we're losing.
Even if we're now talking about whether Hilary Rosen's comments mean there's a "War on Women" from the left.
That issue, to the extent it cuts either way, is either a net-plus for Obama or a jump-ball which neither favors him nor disfavors him.
Meanwhile, we are in debt currently $16.5 trillion and the current plan, under the most optimistic of scenarios, is to go another $6.5 trillion into debt over 10 years, and then a hundred trillion in the out-years thereafter.
And Obama, who made a career of Voting Present, does nothing about this. He offers no proposals, he attempts no deals. He offers us distraction after distraction like the War on Women or "Buffet Rule" (now the "Reagan Rule," apparently, which would not reduce the deficit by one tenth of one percent).
He continues trying to make a Big Election about Small Things. Trying to pit this group against that, trying to redirect anger at his failures at convenient bugaboos he conjures up -- The 1%, men, even Typical White Persons to some degree.
We ought not let him.
This election is about his failure. His failure after four horrible years of suffering under his malfeasance and incompetence. His failure to unite the country, except in a state of collective misery and despair.
For four years, Obama's waged a bitter War on Prosperity, a War on Industriousness, a War on Personal Initiative, a War on the Common Bonds of Citizenship that once united us, a War on the American Dream itself.
That is the issue.
Everything else is just misdirection by corrupt and cynical magicians of spin and diversion.