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April 06, 2012
Global Weirding: James Hanson Claims That Slavery Is a Minor Issue, On Par With Global Warming; Dick Durbin Says You Have To Buy A Hybrid Or the Tornado Gods Will Strike You Down For Uncleanliness
I thought slavery was a very serious moral wrong. Obama's head of scientific falsification thinks it wasn't so bad.
In his lecture, Hansen will argue that the challenge facing future generations from climate change is so urgent that a flat-rate global tax is needed to force immediate cuts in fossil fuel use....
"The situation we're creating for young people and future generations is that we're handing them a climate system which is potentially out of their control," he said. "We're in an emergency: you can see what's on the horizon over the next few decades with the effects it will have on ecosystems, sea level and species extinction."
Hansen will argue in his lecture that current generations have an over-riding moral duty to their children and grandchildren to take immediate action. Describing this as an issue of inter-generational justice on a par with ending slavery, Hansen said: "Our parents didn't know that they were causing a problem for future generations but we can only pretend we don't know because the science is now crystal clear.
By the way, this paper has been peer-reviewed ahead of publication.
Wonder how they verified that claim that "global warming is a moral wrong on the level of slavery."
They probably have a model for that.
Dick Durbin, incidentally, is a crystal-clear scientist himself.
"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
You're a proud owner of part of the Democrats' lucrative investment portfolio -- currently a hundred trillion dollars in the red, but sometime around 2145, you could start seeing some terrific earnings.*
* DISCLAIMER: The Democratic Party does not guarantee terrific earnings.