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March 25, 2012
Sunday Morning Book Thread [OregonMuse]
OK, by request, here is a book thread for this fine Sunday.
Because I'm exhausted by all of that crazy-ass chess action last night, this will be brief.
I am reading the oft-recommended The Forgotten Man, by Amity Shlaes, which is a history of the Great Depression. The price of the Kindle and Nook editions have dropped to $2.99, so, being a cheap bastard, I finally coughed up some dough.
[Update: Commenter Vic notes that the Kindle and Nook prices are now at $10.99. I think maybe what happened is that a whole bunch of cheap bastards like me, lured by the low price, finally bought it, and then Amazon was all like, "Hey, look at all of those cheap bastards we flushed out, let's jack up the price." So there you are Increase demand results in increased price.]
[Update #2: I'm glad I posted this thread. Since there seems to be a fair-sized demand for it, I am going to try to do this every Sunday from now on, or until Monty decides he wants it back. It won't be anything fancy like Monty used to do, but it will be a book thread and I will try to get the thread up by 11:30 AM Eastern Time.]
Also, in anticipation of the movie, I read The Hunger Games. Mildly entertaining.
So, as Monty used to say, what is everybody else reading?

posted by Code Red at
12:34 PM
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