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February 29, 2012
Romney Talks to Howie Carr About the Blunt Amedment
I thought he was asking about some state law which "bans providing contraception," he says in paraphrase.
Which was, actually, what the question said. Not a mention of ObamaCare, or health care, or insurance. Just about "ban providing female contraception," which, if you think that's a crazy question so he never should have imagined he was being asked about such a crazy thing, remember, he was asked pretty much that a month ago, by George Stephanolopolous.
He goes on to discuss, as he always does, his support of the religious exemption generally, and how even Ted Kennedy supported such mandates.
He has talked and talked about this. If he were doing a major reversal, he would have had a big explanation ready explaining why, while he supports the generals of the exemption, he finds this particular one overbroad or whatever. He wouldn't have just blown it off with some anodyne comments about not interfering with a husband's and wife's birth control decisions.
Anyway, I'm sure some will disagree, but I'm now personally designating this as Officially Silly.