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Kind of Funny: "The Dictator" On The Red Carpet »
February 27, 2012
The Lifestyles of Rich and Famous Democrats on the Public Dole
Remember when the Clintons shut down LAX for an hour so that Christophe could give Bill Clinton a hair cut?
Two of Los Angeles International Airport's four runways were shut down for nearly an hour on Tuesday, some incoming flights were delayed and Air Force One sat on the tarmac with engines running -- all so that President Clinton's Beverly Hills hairstylist, Chistophe, could come aboard and give Mr. Clinton a high-price trim before he took off for Washington.
Questions about Mr. Clinton's runway razor cut dominated the White House news briefing today, with the communications director, George Stephanopoulos, scrambling to explain why the populist President tied up one of the country's busiest airports to have his hair trimmed. Everybody Does It
Apparently everybody does do it. Well, Democrats. Who have little fear of exposure in the media. It appears Obama puttered around in Air Force One an extra 30 minutes last week so he could catch more of the Knicks game. While the country is going to hell. While people are dying for work. And can't pay for gas.
U.S. President Barack Obama and the First Lady, Michelle Obama, have a 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude toward the citizenry of America.
They use tax dollars to fund a lifestyle worthy of the wealthy 1%, yet they preach a redistributionist view of America that makes the far left Occupy Wall Street mob proud. The laundry list of activities where the President and First Lady have taken actions inconsistent with what the are preaching to America is long.
. . .
This Administration seems to have a "Let Them Eat Cake - but make it a Diet Low Carb Cake" mentality.
President Obama flew to Florida this past week to explain high gas prices. According to the Washington Post, on his way to Florida this past Thursday, reporters were "perplexed" at the President's 41 minute flight from Washington, DC to Orlando, Florida taking 1 hour and 15 minutes. The flight was in the air an extra 30 minutes, burning precious fossil fuels.
It does not seem a coincidence that the President landed right at half time of an NBA basketball game between the star studded Miami Heat and New York Knicks. Some theorized that the President delayed his flight in the air to watch more of the basketball game.
Much more at the link. I recall Bush catching hell from the media for his yearly visits to that playground of the rich, Crawford, Texas.
Added: Commenter "Garret" says he used to deliver pizzas on a regular basis to Westchester Co. Airport for the Clinton White House where Air Force One would pick them up. Nice.
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posted by rdbrewer at
11:05 AM
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