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February 23, 2012
Oh, No: Report Claims That Marco Rubio Was Briefly A Mormon As A Child
Problematic for a Romney/Rubio ticket. Two Mormons on the ticket? That's not exactly a "balanced" draw.
I don't want to say it's disqualifying (at least as far as Romney selecting him) but I have to think it's actually disqualifying.
And I like Rubio. I've been saying for two years that we don't know who the presidential candidate will be but we know exactly who the vice presidential candidate will be.
Not that it's a crime. Just that it precludes one particularly-strong ticket. Probably our strongest.
Rubio was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with his family at around the age of eight, and remained active in the faith for a number of years during his early youth, family members told BuzzFeed.
Rubio spokesman Alex Conant confirmed the story to BuzzFeed, and said Rubio returned to the Catholic church a few years later with his family, receiving his first communion on Christmas day in 1984 at the age of 13.
I'm thinking a "number of years" means something like "1.5 years, from 8 to 9 1/2." In a story pushed by the liberal media, this becomes any number of years. From 1 to 100.
Meh. Darnit.
Via Hot Air.