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February 22, 2012
Fired ESPN Headline Writer Spent Vacations Working In the Orphanages In Haiti
Kind of hard to squre that with my immediate kneejerk impression of a Frat Boy who'd gone drunk with power with the publishing keys.
. They would see I used my vacation time last year to volunteer in the orphanages of Haiti. They would see how I �adopted� an elderly Alzheimer�s patient and visited him every week for a year. They would see that every winter I organize a coat drive for those less fortunate in New Haven. They would see how I raised $10,000 for a friend in need when his kids were born four months premature. They would see how I have worked in soup kitchens and convalescent homes since I was a kid. They would see my actions speak louder than my words. They would see that these acts were not done for my glory, but for God�s. They would see that each day I live and will continue to live a life of joy and service�
A few commenters said they didn't even know "chink" was a racial slur. I have trouble believing that -- I know almost all the racial slurs, plus a few dozen I made up myself* -- but they have no reason to lie.
Maybe some people just really do not know which words are considered insulting.
Certainly this guy seems to be a lot more substantive a person than my made-up imaginary version of him was. Seems hard to imagine that someone with a high degree of conscientiousness is given over to crude larks.
Just wondering, as Allah did: Did ESPN know this or did they just not care?
* Only "macacca" was a new one on me. I was positive it wasn't a slur, or else I'd've already heard of it.
Empire of Jeff Is Not Impressed.
Volunteer in Haiti orphanages = "underage sex tourism"
Adopting Alzheimer's patient = "Medicare fraud"
Fundraiser for premature kids = "human trafficking"
Working soup kitchens and convalescent homes = "inner-city drug dealing"
What a piece of shit this guy is.