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February 22, 2012
Remember When 'Nixonian' Was Bad?
Obama promises unilateral action.
In keeping with his “We Can’t Wait” initiative, President Barack Obama has once again asserted that if Congress does not enact his policies in the future, he will continue to forge ahead on his own.
“When Congress refuses to act, Joe and I are going to act,” Obama said on Tuesday, with Vice President Joe Biden at his side. “In the months to come, wherever we have an opportunity, we’re going to take steps on our own to keep this economy moving.”
President Obama doesn't seem to realize he's the president of the entire country, not just one party. He has never been a uniter. On the contrary, he is divisive both on a petty personal level and on a large scale though his politics. He has never been a leader of the entire country. He has never been a bi-partisan legislator. He doesn't make things better; he makes things worse. He thinks this is his path to reelection.
Executive fiat is for wimps. It's obvious he dreams of ruling by decree.
What a creepy guy.
More here, here, here, and here. In fact, if you Google "Obama Nixon," the number of hits tops 37,000,000.
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posted by rdbrewer at
09:44 AM
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