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February 16, 2012
Israel: Nuke Sanctions on Iran Not Working
Drudge gives this the red font which I assume means 1) this is aggressive non-diplomatic language that suggests a shift to warplanning or 2) it's a slow news day and Drudge needed a Slammer on his front page.
I don't know myself.
While in Nicosia, Netanyahu also addressed the Iranian nuclear threat, saying the sanctions imposed by the international community on the Islamic Republic "are not working."
"Iran is the most irresponsible force in the world. I hope the sanctions will have an effect, but so far they have not. We are dealing with a regime that violates every resolution and has no respect for international standards," the Israeli premier said.
"Iran's race towards nuclear weapons should concern the US and every other country. Nuclear arms in the hands of such a regime is a cause for great concern to the US and Israel."
I don't know. Netanyahu says this every few days. Is this something and I'm missing it?
(I expect there will be an attack. But I don't see how this adds to our information.)