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February 15, 2012
Behold The Science Behind The Vanishing Glaciers [ArthurK]
I almost hate to point out stuff like this. It's pathetic that the world at large gives Global Warming more credit than Lysenkoism. But it's still taken seriously by people who try to run our lives so I must ridicule them again.
One of the more serious consequences of Global Warming would be the Himalayan glaciers melting away. They're a source of fresh water for a huge chunk of Asia.*
Previously, we were treated to the spectacle of the UN's
IPCC beclowning themselves when it came out that the prediction of the Himalayan glaciers disappearing by 2035 was based on ... nothing really. But even that didn't mean that they wouldn't melt - just that that prediction was made up. What about the actual measurements of glaciers melting much faster than their replacement rate?
Now we learn that those measurements represent a pathetic grade of science.
New satellite measurements reveal...
... glaciers in the high Asian mountain ranges - the Himalayas, the Pamir and the Tien Shan - have been losing much less ice than was previously thought. Researchers visiting the region on the ground have previously suggested that the Asian mountain ice was depleting at rates as high as 50 billion tons per year, but Wahr and his colleagues' results show losses in the area of just 4 billion tonnes annually.
And that's with an error range of 20 billion tons! That is, the net melt is likely between 24 billion and MINUS 16 billion. (That range of error means they don't even know if the glaciers are growing or shrinking.)
But why were the previous estimates so far off? Take a deep breath...
One possible explanation is that previous estimates were based on measurements taken primarily from some of the lower, more accessible glaciers in Asia and were extrapolated to infer the behavior of higher glaciers. But unlike the lower glaciers, many of the high glaciers would still be too cold to lose mass even in the presence of atmospheric warming.
ASSHOLES! (a full paragraph of cursing deleted)
These sons-of-bitches want to run (and wreck) the world economy to control Global Warming because GW has serious consequences. And they base that program on research like this!?
Say a scientist calculates that the sun will expand and engulf the earth in 2 billion years. Then better calculations are done and the new time frame is 1 billion years. Not A Big Deal. That doesn't change how I live. These Global Warming Cultists want me to pay carbon taxes! They want to choose what kind of cars are for sale! If you're going to take that kind of control over people's lives
you'd better be right on your data!
*BTW, that's also in dispute but that's not the subject of this post.
(put into draft 2/12/2012)