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February 06, 2012
From The Creators Of "Funemployment" Comes: A Smaller Workforce Is Better!
The crew that thinks unemployment payments are great for the economy now think it's pretty awesome that people are leaving the workforce.
"A large percentage of that is due to younger people getting more education, which in the end is an economic positive," Carney said. "This increase in the number of people leaving the work force has been a trend and a fact since 2000, because of an aging population, which is not to say this is wholly -- that's not to say that I would wholly disregard as an issue." Carney had been asked about the 19 million underemployed or unemployed Americans, and about people who had left the work force.
Yes, more people racking up more debt (remember when student debt was bad?) for degrees in things that won't prepare them for an actual job is good for the economy.
It's like these people aren't even remotely acquainted with basic economics or something.
Carney went on to wonder why suddenly everyone is interested in the size of the workforce. Just politics or something he figures. It couldn't have to to do with massive numbers of people so far gone they aren't event trying to get work.

posted by DrewM. at
03:30 PM
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