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February 01, 2012
USAToday Headline: Indiana may soon be Rust Belt's first right-to-work state
Reuters Headline: Indiana Senate passes anti-union "right-to-work" bill
No, seriously. Scare quotes and all.
But you'll have to confirm that on your own because I'm not linking them for partisan trash.
I'll go with the neutral USAT headline.
The Senate voted 28-22 Wednesday to pass the labor union bill as thousands of protesters packed Statehouse hallways shouting their disapproval. Thousands more lined up outside waiting to get in.
The bill now goes to Gov. Mitch Daniels, who has said he will sign it, possibly later Wednesday. His signature will make Indiana the 23rd state in the nation with the law, and the first in the Rust Belt states of the industrial Midwest and Northeast.
More at Big Government: Forced labor dues coming to an end in Indiana.
Via @calebhowe and Hoosier Access.