« Romney: "I'm Not Concerned About The Very Poor" |
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February 01, 2012
Full Context and Quote About "Concern for the Very Poor"
I postulated that Soledad seemed to have asked Romney specifically about the very poor. I was wrong; she asks him about poll findings that Romney "doesn't understand the concerns of the average voter" as well as Obama does (it's something like 54% to 39%).
The term "average voter" seemed to suggest to Romney he should make a pitch directly to the "average voter," the middle class, as he defines it, the "very heart of America." Which just happens to be 90-95% of the population, in his estimation.
That's a bit clumsy, isn't it? Input: "Average voters." Output: "I only care about average voters." Beep beep beep, spit out computer punch-card.
It is what it is.
When I was supporting Perry, I said Romney just was not very good at politics. I'm not retracting that. It was right then, it remains right now.
The exchange, including the question, begins at 2:49.