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January 27, 2012
Science Shocker: Men Have Psychic Ability To Tell When Women Have Their Periods, Just By Listening To the Caterwauling Piping Out Of Their Yap-Holes
Via Instapundit, this just popped up in my NSS (No Shit Sherlock) feed.
I like this part:
(For those who aren�t familiar with the ins and outs of the female reproductive cycle, women are most fertile during ovulation, when their ovaries release an egg, and least fertile during menstruation, when they shed the unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus.)
That's for Andrew Sullivan. They might have added further, "Andrew, we're talkin' about the baby-hosta!!!"
A study had men listen to ten women at various points in their menstrual cycle, and guess which stage they were at.
The men had a one in four chance of guessing correctly, but they actually did so 35 percent of the time, a significant difference, the researchers say.
So there you go.
So what was it about the women�s voices that gave away their reproductive status?
In another run, men weren't told the test was to guess at menstrual cycle state, but were just asked to judge the voices on "attractiveness." In this test they said the ovulating women were had the most "attractive" voices, 34% of the time.
Hormones induce the vocal changes that give women away. �Vocal production is closely tied to our biology,� Pipitone says of men and women. For example, �Cells from the larynx and vagina are very similar and show similar hormone receptors.�
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